🐤 Why people get stuck

[🐤 Twitter thread]

Most people’s creativity is being used to thwart themselves and others, most of the time.

The mystery is how outliers like Elon Musk and David Deutsch have their minds structured to devote >50% of their creativity to solving rather than entrenching problems.

(Despite appearing to have almost opposite psychologies/temperaments! So ingenuity cannot fundamentally be about things like “be a ballsy power player and energetically do all the hard things” or “be a hermit, don’t be hard on yourself, follow whatever’s fun”. It must be deeper.)

The sad thing about using creativity to thwart others is that we’re not even doing it intentionally.

We just follow scripts (anti-rational memes) — hoping to avoid being punished ourselves.

Whenever we are scared, hurt, angry, upset, and we speak from that place (the place of “you are not on my side”), our creativity has been hijacked by a coercive script.

It gets worse:

Coercive scripts (anti-rational memes) sabotage our ability to tell we aren’t feeling good.

And prevent us from recognising why not feeling good is significant.

(Despite as a child seeing this suffering/deadness as horrific.)

It’s horrific not just because we are unknowingly using our creative effort to hurt and sabotage the creativity of others when we follow these fear-driven scripts.

It’s horrific because we’re doing it to ourselves — thereby acting to prevent ourselves from doing anything else.

Not feeling good is significant because that’s when we’re running these scripts.

That’s what ‘not feeling good’ is:

For most people, most of the time, ‘not feeling good’ = being actively stuck in parasitic coercive scripts.

When ‘not feeling good’ is not coming from our own coercive scripts, it’s either:

a) A simple fight against nature / the unknown (not out to get you; passes when solve it or do something else)


b) Coming from someone else’s — i.e. the entrenchment process is happening now.

So what is to be done?

1. Have compassion. Blaming oneself or cursing others is just part of the game.

2. Play something else. What do you really want to be up to in life?

3. Notice. Nonjudgmentally notice these patterns in yourself and others. Back to 1.

🐤 Discipline is fighting yourself

[🐤 Twitter thread]

‘Self discipline’ is a patch for being conflicted about what you want to do.

Often, productive people are interpreted as ‘having discipline’: able to force themselves to do the work even when it’s unpleasant.

But creative productivity only ever works in spite of that.

“Discipline is remembering what you want.”

When that works, it’s not ‘discipline’; it’s getting less conflicted.

The real answer to productivity and motivation is to resolve the conflicts you have.

Once unconflicted about what to do, even hard work is effortless, motivation-wise.

(And fun. #ReasonIsFun)

It becomes effortful to not do it. It pulls you in and demands you keep working.

Discipline is fighting yourself.

Wasted energy. Wasted creativity.

Put that instead into figuring out what you actually most want.

Solve problems in doing what you want with reason, not force.

It sounds cute and simplistic — like meaningless motivational self-help talk — but the world really does work this way.

Problems really are soluble. What’s stopping you really is conflicting ideas. Force is trying to reach answers/truth using brute authority instead of reason.

“I’ve tried everything! Self-discipline, Beeminder, social media time-outs, Tony Robbins, waking at 5am… Nothing seems to work!”

Cool, have you tried reason?